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Die Eet & Sport has locations in Amsterdam and Nijmegen. Use the buttons below to quickly switch to the right location.


  • How can I lose a few pounds responsibly and healthily?
  • What should I eat and/or drink after my workout for optimal recovery?
  • I have high cholesterol and I want to reduce this without using medication. Is that possible?
  • During my workouts I regularly suffer from intestinal cramps. How can I prevent this?
  • I am underweight, but I am unable to increase my weight independently.
  • How can I improve my diet while taking the environment into account?

These are just a few questions you may want to ask the (sports) dietitians of Die Eet & Sport. Die Eet & Sport provides diet counseling to people with a wide range of issues. Questions about nutrition and health, but also questions regarding nutrition and sports.

Die Eet & Sport is characterized by: 

  • providing tailored food advice paying particular attention and time to your personal situation and preferences.
  • cooperation in a team of physiotherapists, sports scientists, sports doctor, (sports) psychologist, masseurs and personal trainers.
  • specialization in sports nutrition and experience as a sports teacher.
  • 4 different locations; one in Amsterdam and three in Nijmegen.
  • three of the 4 locations in modern sports centres with a wide range of sports facilities.

Asking Die Eet & Sport for advice has drastically improved my day-to-day nutrition. Highly recommend it!


The practice

Die Eet & Sport has been located in Sportcentrum Universum at the Science Park in East Amsterdam since 2012. By cooperating in a team of physiotherapists, sports scientists, sports doctor, (sports) psychologist, masseurs and personal trainers, quality is paramount.

In the practice diet counseling is provided to clients with different requests for help. Questions about nutrition and health, but also questions regarding nutrition and sports: 

  • weight loss or weight gain
  • optimization of nutritional status through a healthy diet
  • improvement of sports performance
  • mild eating disorders

Also people with gastrointestinal problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes may contact Die Eet & Sport.

Die Eet & Sport complies with the Dutch Wkkgz, a law that requires healthcare providers to monitor, control and improve their own quality. Therefore Die Eet & Sport is affiliated with

Onvrede melden


The team of Die Eet & Sport currently consists of two dietitians, who are also specialized in sports. Both (sports) dietitians are registered in the Quality Register for Paramedics and members of the Dutch Association of Sports Dietetics. Annelies is also registered in the SCAS register for sports dietitians.

Johnny van Schooneveld

“I am Johnny van Schooneveld and I have been a dietitian since 2019. I studied Nutrition & Dietetics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. My interest in nutrition arose, because I exercised a lot from an early age. I’ve been doing track and field since I was six and I still enjoy it a lot. To be able to exercise well, you need a healthy lifestyle and I liked to immerse myself in that. I can give nutritional advice regarding weight loss, overweight/obesity, underweight, gastrointestinal problems and other health issues. 

I completed the post-graduate study Sports Dietetics in 2020. As a sports dietitian I give clients advice regarding their nutrition during and around sports. Because of my own sports background, I like to immerse myself in different sports to come to appropriate nutritional advice. During the consultations we come to a personal advice, tailored to you as an individual.”

Annelies van den Hoven

“My name is Annelies van den Hoven and I am a (sports) dietitian, sports teacher and the owner of Die Eet & Sport. In 2005 I graduated as a physical education teacher at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen. Because of my interest in health, I started a second education programme: Nutrition & Dietetics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. After graduating in 2010, I worked as a dietitian at home care institution Aveant and the Diakonessenhuis in Utrecht. In 2012, I successfully completed the post-graduate study Sports Dietetics, which means that I have enjoyed guiding athletes in achieving their physical and sporting ambitions for quite a few years now.

In my spare time, I also like to be active. I like mountain biking, cycling and hiking in nature, preferably in the mountains. I hope that I can pass on my enthusiasm for healthy eating and sports to my clients and that this will help them to improve their lifestyle, also in the long term.”

Annelies helped me navigate my emotional eating, and taught me so much about nutrition so that I can now build a balanced diet for myself. She also was very patient with my distress due to weight gain and my anxiety around food, and was very kind and helpful with her guidance to me. Every week when we had a session, and I would walk in nervous or scared because I “wasn’t seeing progress”, she would help me see the big picture and point out all the positives that I was unable to see. All of the nutritional advices she taught me are invaluable and I apply her wisdom literally every day!


Thanks Johnny, for the help and guidance. This helped me to follow healthier habits and I already lost 10 kg. I also found back pleasure in eating, thanks to your recommendations.



Die Eet & Sport offers various services that you can use.

Free consultation hour

Free consultation hour

Do you have a specific question about nutrition or do you want to know if you can be assisted by the (sports) dietitian? This free consultation hour might be the solution. Every Tuesday from 17.00-18.00 you can meet the (sports) dietitian in Sportcentrum Universum in Amsterdam. In even weeks in the fitness, in odd weeks in room 0.38 at Sportcentrum Universum. The free consultation hour is intended for brief advice (max. 15 min. p.p.). Afterwards, if necessary, you can make an appointment for comprehensive nutritional advice.

Individual guidance

Individual guidance

Would you like to have your diet checked in an individual guidance programme? That is possible. Die Eet & Sport has consultations on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Tuesday 15.00 – 21.00 Sportcentrum Universum, Amsterdam
Wednesday 12.00 – 20.00 Sportcentrum Universum, Amsterdam
Friday 08.30 – 11.30 Sportcentrum Universum, Amsterdam


The intake session takes one hour. During this first consultation the (sports) dietitian will clarify your request for help, expectations, medical and dietetic history, eating habits and activities. Therefore it is important to keep a detailed nutrition and activity diary during three days prior to the first consultation.
At the end of the intake session you will be sent home with the first advices. This is always tailored advice, meaning the (sports) dietitian will focus on your personal situation and preferences.


During the follow-up consultations we will discuss your progress and which aspects still need extra attention. It is also possible that new advices and goals will be established or old goals will be adjusted. Follow-up consultations will take about 30 minutes.

Skinfold measurement

Skinfold measurement

Always wondered what your fat percentage is and what type of body you have? A skinfold measurement is a single consultation in which this is determined for you. The ISAK method will determine your weight, height, BMI, waist circumference, body fat percentage and body type and you will receive the results at the end.

Presentations & workshops

Presentations & workshops

Die Eet & Sport also provides interactive workshops and lectures for groups. For more information or a prospect without obligation? Please feel free to contact us.
Possible themes are:

  • Basic Nutrition: the importance of healthy eating
  • Sports on your Plate: how do you improve your sports performance?
  • The most famous myths and facts regarding nutrition

I am so happy with my results after several months working with Die Eet & Sport. I have a much healthier and balanced approach to eating now, rather than being too restrictive and not giving myself the right fuel.


Rates & fees


Intake 60 min. € 105 (incl. € 21 administration fee)
Follow-up 30 – 45 min. € 42 to € 63
Follow-up short 15 min. € 21
Skinfold measurement 15 – 45 min. € 21 to € 63
No show n.v.t. Depending on the reserved time


Diet advice is covered by the basic package of your health insurance. This means every Dutch health insurer will reimburse three consultation hours, provided that there is a specific (medical) diagnosis. Do you need more counseling? Ask your health care provider whether they offer an extension to these three consultation hours in a supplementary insurance.

Policy excess (own risk)

You pay a policy excess for reimbursement from the basic insurance. The policy excess for dietary advice amounts a maximum rate of three hours of treatment, approximately € 220. After this, the client may invoke their supplementary insurance. There is no policy excess attached to supplementary insurances.

Referral required?

Die Eet & Sport is directly accessible. This means clients can schedule an appointment without a referral from their General Practitioner (GP) or consulting doctor. Unfortunately, there are still health insurers who require a referral letter. Therefore, check the policy conditions of your health insurance in advance.

No reimbursement

Also without reimbursement through your insurance you are welcome at Die Eet & Sport. In this case you have to pay the costs yourself. There is no referral needed from your GP or consulting doctor.

Terms and conditions

Here you can download the Terms and conditions of Die Eet & Sport.

I had gastroinstestinal problems after every meal. After getting the diet and 3 months of dedication, the bloated feeling is gone and I’m feeling really good now!



Dietician practice Die Eet & Sport

Location Amsterdam:
Sportcentrum Universum, room 0.38
Science Park 306
1098 XH Amsterdam

Facebook, LinkedInInstagram
KvK: 53764404

More information

Call for questions, remarks or to make an appointment to 06-1411 8575 (Monday to Friday). Please feel free to leave a message. Clearly state your name and number and you will be called back as soon as possible.

You can also send an email through the contact form below.

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    Diëtistenpraktijk Die Eet & Sport
    Sportcentrum Universum, kamer 0.38
    Science Park 306
    1098 XH Amsterdam

    06 14 11 85 75 (maandag t/m vrijdag)